LandScope Develops Monitoring Service with Trimble 4D Control
Having evolved over the last ten years, the structural movement monitoring service of LandScope Engineering incorporates a vast array of systems and sensors including GNSS receivers, total stations and geotechnical sensors.
As the sophistication of monitoring installation continues to increase, so does the demand for real-time reporting and visualisation systems. Trimble 4D Control (T4D) provides LandScope with complete sensor management as well as clear and customisable reporting and display options – scale-able to suit any monitoring scheme.
In order to further support data analysis, T4D incorporates input of other third party sensors, e.g. vibration,noise and dust, which are included in the intelligent alarming and reporting systems for real-time data review and analysis.
LandScope offers an integrated movement monitoring service which enables the engineering community to monitor and model our dynamic natural and man-made world.
From the settlement of buildings, through the deformation of civil structures to the movement of natural features, the highest order of accuracy survey instrumentation enables an understanding of this dynamism.
Each movement monitoring campaign is custom designed for duration, measurement frequency, accuracy and reporting format to ensure an appropriate solution. Best survey practice with a strong understanding of measurement (and associated error) analysis are invariably the critical success factors in any monitoring campaign.
Further information on our range of monitoring services can be found on our website or you may contact us with any specific technical or project requirements.