On the back of the successful completion of two large projects in Gibraltar, LandScope has established a local survey resource base to more readily support Gibraltar based projects.

The full-time assignment of key equipment resources, and the support of our local Gibraltar based partners, enables LandScope to provide the following survey services at short notice:


LandScope offers significant benefits to the infrastructure development and asset management sectors in Gibraltar, including:

  • Experience – international survey standards and local Gibraltar knowledge
  • Access to a complete mobile mapping – LiDAR and photographic – data set of Gibraltar. This enables low-cost production of topographical and GIS asset management deliverables
  • Ability to scale survey for large projects and other technical disciplines e.g.
    • Hydrographic Survey
    • Aerial Survey
    • Geophysical Survey
  • Local partner arrangements for logistical support, traffic management and local knowledge
  • Strong knowledge of Gibraltar survey datum – ensure consistency of all surveys